Other Resources
We are proud to be a part of a network of organizations that care for children and families in our community. Our goal is to connect families with vital community resources and information to help them thrive.

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Helpful Information
From local statistics to national metrics, these facts and figures provide valuable insight into the critical impact of programs like those provided by Old Mill Center.
Local and Regional
Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties
Regional Health Assessment 2022–2026
Describes health-related issues affecting the Benton, Lincoln and Linn region.
Partnership for Community Health:
Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties — 2023
Rural Benton County Fact Sheet
Strengthening Rural Families — 2022
Adverse Childhood Experiences: Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is a term used to describe all types of neglect, abuse,
violence or distressed family environments that children under the age of 18 may experience.
Child Care and Education in Oregon and Its Counties: 2014
Every two years the Oregon Child Care Research Partnership takes a snapshot of how well Oregon’s childcare and education system is serving children and families.
Oregon Child Care Research Partnership — July 2015
Oregon Parenting Education Collaborative: Helping parents raise children who thrive
Launched in July 2010, this multi-year initiative supports expanded access to best practice parenting education programs, with a focus on reaching parents of children prenatal to age six. Yearly reports plus a cumulative report and overview are available to download.
The Ford Family Foundation and The Oregon Community Foundation
State of the Region
Highlights trends, connections, and indicators related to the people and the economy of the Benton, Lincoln, and Linn County region. This includes migration, agriculture, business patents, philanthropic investments, and more.
Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments
Intra-year Household Income Dynamics and Adolescent School Behavior
Students whose families experience significant income instability are more likely to fall behind in school and have disciplinary issues.
West Coast Poverty Center — December 2015
A Bold Agenda for Tackling Child Poverty
Without urgent action, too many of America’s next generation will grow up in economic distress.
Washington Monthly — October 5, 2015